Sunday, November 2, 2014

How do I install Bugzilla?

For Bugzilla you need...
  • Per l(5.8.1 or above)
  • MySQL
  • Apache2
  • Bugzilla
  • Perl modules
  • Bugzilla using apache
Some remarks up front:
If any of these are already installed just keep an eye on settings that need to be set. Check these with what you used and change them to your needs.
If you need information about Perl, MySQL, Apache these are some LAMP how to's: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Note: also have a look at this how to (from Saariko in comment) in below does not work for you.
In case anyone finds typo's feel free to fix them or improvements feel free to add them in
Here we go...
  1. Perl
    Verify what perl you are using:
    perl -v
    It should show something like this:
    This is perl, v5.10.1 (*) built for i686-linux-gnu-thread-multi
    (with 53 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
    Natty uses 5.10. If yours is lower than 5.8.1 you need to upgrade it.
  2. MySQL
    Verify if you have a MySQL running with
    mysql --version
    If not installed install mysql-server Install mysql-servermysql-admin Install mysql-adminmysql-client Install mysql-client
    Make sure to follow guidelines and set up a root account with a decent password. See the links above for how to set up a LAMP server if you need it. Create a user bugzilla (change it if you want something else)
    sudo useradd -d /home/bugzilla -m bugzilla
    sudo passwd bugzilla
    And create a database and set permissions for user bugzilla
    mysql -u root -p
    mysql> create database bugzilla;
    mysql> grant all privileges on bugzilla.* to bugzilla@localhost;
    You need database name, user name and password for the user later on.
  3. Apache
    Verify if Apache is installed:
    apache2 -v
    should show a welcome page or a website. If not installed...install apache2 Install apache2 Configure apache2 as you normally would. See the links at the top for how to set up a LAMP server if you need more.
    And now for the important part... setting up bugzilla in apache2:
    sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
    and edit in the following ...
    Alias /bugzilla/ /var/www/bugzilla/
    Addhandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
    Options +Indexes +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks
    DirectoryIndex index.cgi
    AllowOverride Limit
    (Note the trailing "/" on the first line)
    Add a user apache2 if you do not have this already.
     sudo useradd -d /home/apache2 -m apache2
     sudo passwd apache2
    Add the user to apache2 variables...
    sudo gedit /etc/apache2/envvars
    and include
     export APACHE_RUN_USER=apache2
     export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=apache2
    The cgi addhandler could be in another place if you instal bugzilla from the repositories (see apache cgi how to)
  4. Bugzilla
    Install bugzilla3 Install bugzilla3
    Or download the latest stable (4.0.2 at the moment) or latest cutting edge version from bugzilla. Short instruction on the latter:
     sudo tar -xvf bugzilla-4.0.2.tar
     sudo mv /download/bugzilla-4.0.2 /usr/local/
     sudo ln -s /usr/local/bugzilla-4.0.2 /var/www/bugzilla
    Make sure the directory had rw permissions:
     sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/bugzilla
  5. Perl modules for Bugzilla
    Bugzilla uses a script to check if everything is set up correcly and if things changed to set them up for you. By manually installing the perl modules you can skip this. Check if all modules are installed
     cd /var/www/bugzilla/
     sudo ./ --check-modules
    If not installed...
     sudo perl -MCPAN -e install
    localconfig holds the configurations and needs to be set up. So...
     sudo gedit localconfig
    and change $db_name to the database name, #db_user to the user and $db_password to the password you used during setup of MySQL.
     $db_name = 'bugzilla';
     $db_user = 'bugzilla';
     $db_pass = 'bugzilla@pwpspaswsword';
    After saving these settings
    cd /var/www/bugzilla/
    sudo ./
    will add all kinds of tables to MySQL. Adding server group apache2 to bugzilla:
    sudo gedit /var/www/bugzilla/localconfig 
    and add
    $webservergroup = 'apache2';
    To include these changes do a
    cd /var/www/bugzilla/
    sudo ./                       
    and this will ask you to setup your administrator for bugzilla.
  6. It works!!
    Restart apache2
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    and open a browser and insert URL
    and I have a working bugzilla login page on my own machine.

    I think a much shorter answer would be much more helpful:
    sudo apt-get install bugzilla3

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